Entries in Toddlers (4)


Des Moines Family Photographer: Aiden, Two

Aiden turned two a couple of weeks before our session in September. He was shy at first but one thing I learned about this young fella was that he is really easy going. Once we got to know each other more, I think his fun and playful personality shine through as we walked through the alleyways and store fronts of Valley Junction.


Des Moines Family Photographer: Brinley, Summer 2012

It's been a little over a year since I've seen Brinley for a photo session. She will turn 3 on Halloween. Seeing her reminded me how much fun she is to photograph. This time was even more of a blast because she's able to share her imagination with me like feathers and treasures and bears in the forests. She's come a long way from that shy 2 year old that I saw in the Autumn of 2011.


Des Moines Family Photographer: Brady and Branlee, Summer 2012

Brady and Branlee are brothers kept me busy in their session at the Des Moines Art Center and Greenwood Park. While Brady is quite the talker, his younger brother Branlee is just a fast moving machine! Of course, he's only 1 so all he can pretty much do is run around. Between keeping up a conversation with Brady and catching my breath with Branlee, it was sure a run for my money.


Elina, One

Elina was born one year ago on January 13th. There was a terrible blizzard that day but that was not stopping her from announcing herself to the world. Here is a photo from today's session marking her one year anniversary of life.