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Des Moines Portrait Photographer: Bonne Finken, Fairytails/LoveAffairs

To kick off 2015, I want to post a session from the end of 2013 that I haven't posted. I drove half way across town to the Des Moines East Village to shoot some stock images for Bonne Finken's Fairytales/LoveAffairs album which was released in April 2014. She is a very talented and dedicated musician and it was such an honor to be a part of a creative project with so much artistery. It wasn't just any day. Snow was falling in chunks. The winds were kicking it in high gear. It was a winter blizzard! But we had so much fun during the session and a big thank you to Mike's film equipment, I was able to capture some great portrait shots.
If you have a chance please check out Bonne Finken at her website and throw some support her way.

Please also respect that there is intellectual property in the album design that is not mine. All images/designs are copyrighted material.

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