Des Moines Children Photographer: Maddux Three Month Session

After the countdown ended and when Maddux came home, the days began turning into weeks. From sleepless nights and countless diaper changes to a plethora of smiles and silent whimper yawns, the abyss of parenthood can only prepare you for one thing. That nothing is certain but everything will be alright. We are constantly learning and changing with the adventure of our son. Our bond is growing stronger with each passing moment. And now that weeks have turned into months, the daily look of joy in his eyes and the smile he returns to us makes capturing his personality in his three month session worth every fleeting hour.
In this set of photos is a very special Mother's Day session I did for Tosha. Love can be expressed in words. But nothing can truly define the feeling I hoped to have captured in images.
Reader Comments (1)
Great pics, you capture his personality. Made my herat smile.