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Farewell and Thank You 2012

As the year wraps up in its final hours, I want to take this time to express gratitude to my brides & grooms, mothers & fathers, seniors, brothers & sisters, infants, toddlers, teens & musicians of 2012. Without you I would just be sitting at my computer desk surfing the internet or dusting off my camera gear. With each and every one of you, I have honed new skills and talent and acquired a much appreciation for this industry of mine. Thank you very much for allowing me to keep your memories for another day and show you how much each of you have grown as well has how talented and exciting your lives are. I had all the pleasure of meeting and getting to know everyone. Thank you for trusting in my vision and love of art in photography.
I hope that all of you find the hopes and dreams you seek in 2013 and will continue to keep in contact with me. I hope you enjoy the picture collage below and remember how wonderful it was the day we met for a session.
Than you once again and have a safe and wonderful brand new year!

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