This week in photos was better than last. No themes yet this week. Just life as it is. I was able to get out more and it offered better opportunities as far as outdoors. But that's the challenge in photography or art for that matter. That you are willing to go out into the extreme weathers to get what you're looking for. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos.
Sunday, January 8
Tosha and I woke up pretty early for a Sunday morning. We set our alarm for 5AM, made our coffee and drove off in the dark of the morning. We parked until a little light crossed into the horizon and when it broke through, we headed into the forest... We've been doing this since we've met. I am very fortunate to have someone who supports my interests, let alone getting up before the sunrise when they don't have to. Today marks three months that we've been married. :)
Monday, January 9
This morning I saw the moon set on my way to work. It would be a full moon when it rose again and so at dusk, I packed my tripod, my D90 and a couple of lenses. Then I drove off to an open field in the city and I waited. And I waited. And when the moon was nowhere to be found, I packed my gear and took off for home. But as I was stepping into my house, I took a look to the east and wouldn't you know? There was the moon, bright and smiling. Landscape moon photography lesson number 1, have a little patience as also sung by Axl Rose.
Tuesday, January 10
Today we put a little flare to a Mexican flavor. Thanks to our friend Natalie, we are eating Mexican in a unique way. Yes, what you see below is pork roast that Tosha had cooking in the crock pot for 5 hours. We later top it off with a chocolate gonache desert I made for Tosha on one of our Valentine's Day. The first time we made it, we used Cool Whip. This time we used ice cream.
Wednesday, January 11
Winger finally decided to punch us in the skull. We've been spoiled here in the Midwest. Just 2 days ago we were riding with our drop tops down in shorts and flip flops but today... today we got a little bit of snow and a whole lot of northern cold wind gusts up to 50 MPH.
Thursday, January 12
There's nothing much to do on a cold wintery night but make homemade beef and barely soup.
Friday, January 13
Friday the 13th. What a strange phenomena. Did you know that there will be 3 FT13 this year? Being that it's also 2012 it's a little disturbing to some... given that 3 is the number that demons use to communicate to each other and the world is set to end, supposedly. Whatever. I proposed to Tosha on Friday the 13th, three Novembers ago.
Saturday, January 14
Yesterday marked my niece Elina's 3rd birthday. Today, we celebrate with her at Monkey Joe's. I can't wait until she sees what's in store for her. Lots of Tinkerbell goodies and books in sets of 3.